Monday, October 6, 2008

the rodeo

Well first of all, I'm really sad because I dont have any pictures. We got to the fair early and took Asher to the petting zoo. I got out my camera and of course, it's dead. SO no pictures but we had a lot of fun. Asher loved the petting zoo. He didn't pet all of the animals because it was really crowded in there but he did pet the goats and sheep. Before we got to the fair, he kept asking if he could see a "pid - oink-oink" so we made it a point to find a "pid" for him. Lucky for us there was a mommy pig with a bunch of little piglets running around. They were so cute and they made Asher very excited. After the petting zoo, we headed over to the rodeo with our friends Denver and Sarah. It was awesome! Asher is fasicinated with horses. He calls them "neigh-neighs" so he tought all the cowboys were really cool riding the horses. I think his favorite part though was the bull riding. He cheered for every rider. He would clap really fast and yell "Oh Yeah!" for everyone. Adam and I were really excited because Pat Green was playing after the rodeo. We havent seen him in forever so we really wanted to make the concert. BUT the rodeo ended around 9 and Asher was getting really sleepy. We started laughing because we realized that we were going to be those parents who would force their two year old to stay up so that they could see a Pat Green concert. We decided that we didnt want to do that. I guess our college days are over anyways! It was a fun night and Asher even slept till 8:30 the next morning.


Becky said...

Sounds like so much fun! I always love taking my boys to the fair, too. :-)

P.S. Carter also used to call horses, "neigh-neighs". They grow up too fast!

Casey said...

Okay so I opened up your page and Chloe is with me and she yells real loud, "Ash-er!" She said his whole name (looking at the little Texan picture). So glad they're friends.