Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Being sick :(

So I'm sick today and it's not fun. I woke up with a cough yesterday that I thought came from all the yelling I did at the U2 concert I went to on Sunday night (which was amazing by the way) but the cough just lingered and lingered. Today I'm running fever and just feel really ran down. I swear I'm not trying to be a big baby about being sick but to make matters worse, Adam is out of town all week. AND my usual helper, my mom, is sick too!! So my poor dad came all the way to Tulsa to keep Asher for me. They are staying at a hotel tonight and have just been running around all day doing boy things. :) Again, I promise I'm not trying to be a baby. I would really muster up the energy to take care of Asher while being sick but truth be told, I'm so scared to be around him. I don't know about anyone else but this whole swine flu thing has me freaked out!! Especially for my little boy. There are so many different stories out there right now and I'm so scared for Asher to get it. Some people say oh it's a mild cold and others say it's terrible with 104 fever. Some people say absolutely do not vaccinate and other say it's dumb not to. I just don't know what to do!!! So all of this to say that my sweet dad is keeping Asher away from me....and now I'm terribly lonely! :(

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